HttpWatch Automation Reference - Version 15.x
Using HttpWatch Automation with Ruby / Ruby - Overview
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    Ruby - Overview
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    You can install the Ruby language runtime using the installer at .

    Accessing HttpWatch from Ruby

    The HttpWatch automation library is packaged as a COM component. To access it from Ruby you will need to use WIN32OLE::new from the win32ole library. It can be referenced by adding the following require statement to your Ruby source file:

    Using the WIN32OLE library
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    require 'win32ole'

    Communicating with the HttpWatch Extension

    You can only directly create an instance of one class in the library - the Controller class.

    All communication with the HttpWatch extension stems from this class, so the first step is to create an instance of it:


    Creating the Controller
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    # Controller is the only creatable class in the HttpWatch automation interface
    controller ='HttpWatch.Controller')


    Having created a Controller object, the next step is to create an instance of the extension and attach it to a browser instance. The exact code depends on whether you are using Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, but the principles are the same in either case. The Controller object has a property named Chrome. This property returns a reference to the Chrome object.

    The New method creates a new instance of the Chrome browser with the HttpWatch extension enabled for automation. AttachByTitle allows the user to use the HttpWatch extension within a browser instance that has already been created by some other component. Both methods return a reference to the Plugin object that represents the HttpWatch extension.

    The following code creates a new instance of a Chrome tab with an attached HttpWatch plugin object:

    Creating the HttpWatch extension for Chrome
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    controller ='HttpWatch.Controller')
    plugin = controller.Chrome.New()

    For Microsoft Edge using the Edge property of the controller instead.

    All of these code fragments return a reference to a Plugin object, through which the HttpWatch extension can be controlled.

    See Also